Paving your own path
Only dead fish swim with the current — Malcolm Muggeridge
Players often lack a good answer to a simple “why” question.
Why do you practice this way? Why are you working on this part of your game?
If the answer is something along the lines of “Because that’s how others do it”, or “just because”, chances are you’re on the wrong path.
Widespread adoption ≠ Highly effective
Understanding Problems
We need to understand our current reality so well that the problems and their solutions fall into our laps — James A. King
It’s difficult to make meaningful progress if we don’t truly understand the weakest parts of our game.
Without a thorough analysis of our current reality, we default to addressing the issues we want to work on, rather than those we should work on.
Simple Answers
Prioritizing Mental Performance
When Jack Nicklaus attributed only 10 percent of the success of a shot to the swing, it was perhaps because his swing was already nearly perfect. The realm of mind and spirit was the undiscovered land, the place where pioneers in sports performance could make the greatest gains. — George Leonard
The pre-requisite for success for aspiring elite golfers is a mechanically sound swing that is repeatable.
A perfectly executed pre-shot routine won’t compensate for major swing flaws.
However, at the highest levels, everyone has a fundamentally sound swing.
The untapped potential (for most golfers) lies in working on addressing non-technical performance elements, while continuously pursuing the unattainable “perfect swing”.